Ron’s Cowboy Poetry Success

Poet Lariat Success on Apple

Was the west won with the tongue!? Ron Wilsons Cowboy Poetry podcast was ranked 232 on Apple Podcasts last week! 

Our favorite Poet Lariat from Lazy T Ranch has continued delivering his western verse via podcast and youtube channel after our beloved Around Kansas changed formats. Ron’s podcast has become incredibly popular in a hurry catering to the poetry lovers on across the apps to include Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Amazon’s Audible. 

We are incredibly thankful that Ron has maintained his partnership with us through his various projects. Ron is one-of-a kind, and we look forward to smashing his current Apple Podcast record. Through similar strategies, we plan to duplicate this success across our network. 

The steps listed below are vital to success. They’re so simple and yet frequently overlooked.  

  1. Find your audience. 
  2. Go to your audience. 
  3. Be available to your audience. 
  4. Be consistent. 

If you have a show, know a show, or would like to start one, contact us. We will be happy to share our expertise in whatever capacity fits your needs. 

“Happy Trails!”

Charlotte French 

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